The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #137051   Message #3133896
Posted By: Don Firth
12-Apr-11 - 03:37 PM
Thread Name: BS: A Global Strike By All Of Us - July 15th
Subject: RE: BS: A Global Strike By All Of Us - July 15th
Someone's going to have to explain to me how:

the man who lives in an $11,000,000 lakefront mansion with a Bentley and a Ferrari in his garage and a 45 foot power cruiser tied up at his dock, and who doesn't pay taxes because the company he is part-owner of is registered in the Cayman Islands, and whose shadowy piddling around in the stock market contributed to the current recession—and who, if he didn't ever acquired another dime, it would take his heirs about fifteen generations of lavish spending before it would all be gone—


—the woman who, because the fellow with the Bentley, the Ferrari, and the power cruiser and those of his ilk, decided to maximize profits by laying everyone off where she worked and moving all the jobs to China, lives in her car with her two children, and keeps body and soul together by doing odd jobs such as housecleaning around the neighborhood, and hunts for a regular job whenever she can find someone to baby-sit her kids—

—are both just "ordinary people."

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

And as far as the corporations using their profits and tax breaks (and government bail-outs) to create jobs is concerned, this is the "trickle-down" theory, which has long since been shown to be pure fiction. "Voodoo economics." It winds up being used to automate factories in order to reduce the work force, and to move jobs to other countries, thus eliminating jobs here, and what is not used for that is residing in numbered bank accounts in Switzerland and the Cayman Islands. Which means that the money doesn't go back into circulation in the American economy;   it is, thus, removed from it.

There are individuals in the top 5% of the wealthy in this country who have more money than the bottom 95% combined! These are the people to whom the tax breaks and tax cuts have been given, and who keep whining plaintively "Please, sir, I want some more!"

There are countries—many countries—in which such disparities of wealth simply do not exist. And they also have universal health care, and take many other services for granted that some here in the United States call "entitlement programs" and want eliminated—such as Medicare and Social Security.

To save taxes and balance the budget.

In the meantime, 60% of the budget goes to the military, to finance two (and now, a third) wars that we never should have got into in the first place! Over which, strangely, there seems to be a pervading smell of oil.

". . . just ordinary people. . . ."

Don Firth

P. S.   By the way, the woman who lives in her car can't afford her own "Professional Politicians" like the fellow with $11,000,000 lakefront mansion, the Bentley, the Ferrari, and Power Cruiser does.