The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #137059   Message #3133994
Posted By: Susan of DT
12-Apr-11 - 06:10 PM
Thread Name: Kindle for words and music
Subject: RE: Kindle for words and music
I have a kindle and sent a copy of the pdf of my songbook to it. While you can adjust the font size on kindle books, you cannot on your documents that you send to it, which makes them rather small for my aged eyes. It does not move around either the pages or the document very well, unless you set up a lot of bookmarks in the document. So I am still carrying around my 350 page book, which I get printed by a print on demand place ( in spiral every six or either months as an improved edition. I also have the feeling that having the songs on an electronic device would be even less welcome than a printed book. Maybe I am paranoid.