The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136861   Message #3134145
Posted By: Genie
13-Apr-11 - 02:58 AM
Thread Name: New Mudcat CDs Phase 2 Pre-Production
Subject: RE: New Mudcat CDs Phase 2 Pre-Production
MichaelR, Bradfordian (et al.), I'm just suggesting that if there are 2 vocalists, 1 guitarist, and one fiddler (e.g.) on a track, it would be expected that all 4 would be listed in the credits. If you've got a whole choir or a band of 10, maybe the band should just have its own name. : )

I agree that often no "liner notes" are needed, aside from lyrics (if we're going to include them). But sometimes a song doesn't 'speak for itself' as to what the heck it's all about, and in those cases a FEW words of introduction can be helpful.

BTW, now that purty much all of usn's has got ax-cess to them thar internets, if putting the full lyrics to all (the 42 verses of "Barbry Allen or any other) songs is a problem, it might be advisable for the liner notes to refer people to a website (e.g., a PermaThread in to obtain those.   That's what we did with the Blue Plate Special Mudcat CDs.   I like having full lyrics in the liner notes inside a CD, but it's not always feasible.