The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #26058   Message #313484
Posted By: WyoWoman
06-Oct-00 - 10:38 AM
Thread Name: Boarding Party CD from Folk Legacy
Subject: RE: Boarding Party CD from Folk Legacy
I'll check out the film. So often so many behaviors can be laid at the feet of physical ailments. This is why I became a proponent many years ago of giving just about everyone the benefit of the doubt -- the benefit of many doubts and as much generosity as can be mustered. You just never know what's driving the train ...

Also realizing that the body is not the person, but just one element of the person, helps. We get that confused an awfully lot in our society and think the Spirit is the skin bag and its accoutrements.

Fortunato, what a wonderful experience that must have been. Wish we had the Time Machine tuned up and running so I could hop aboard and go back to drop in for a visit ... Hmmm a thread topic is starting to bubble...
