The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #137212   Message #3137682
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
18-Apr-11 - 04:58 PM
Thread Name: BS: Not 'Chavs' but Poor
Subject: RE: BS: Not 'Chavs' but Poor
Have you ever thought about ....Unhappy? Desperate? Hopeless?

I've been raging for years about what is happening. I've told people over and over that even teachers themselves, at a Conference a few years back stated that many of their pupils had mental problems (their expression, not mine) So many children are deeply depressed. They're stuffed on the Corporate Conveyer Belt from infancy, told what to do, how to do it, tested, watched, written about...They're told their useless, lazy, idle, ignorant. They're told they'll get nowhere in life, very early on in life, because they don't pay attention, won't pay attention. They don't want to listen, don't want to do homework, don't care about yet more grades in yet more tests, which are only being done to make teachers look good, schools look good and the blokes who design examinations in the first place, filthy rich.

They learn very early on to loathe adults, really loathe them...and they learn that their families don't really give a fuck about what they do, so long as it doesn't intrude into their lives, so they get their family love from gangs, tribes...and a sense of belonging is finally found at is Power.

Of course, there's the other side of the coin.

If you want to produce a pissed off, dumbed down population then you ensure they're tested almost from birth, educated incessantly, have no relaxation time, no spiritual time, don't dance, or jump, or leap, or play, or know what it's like to feel REAL freedom.....Nope, you fill their heads with stuff they don't want to learn..and heypresto, guess what happens?

You get a population filled with folks who just drop out, tune out and stay out. They become the perfect consumers though, willing, nay desperate, to buy into their new tribe, to have all the must have things to make them belong....

School is excellent at producing Consumers. It's a corporate idea and it's working extraordinarily well. 'Education' is a Corporate Business, just like every other part of human nature....that's why I loathe it.

Learning is different though. That's why I love it. It's free you see, free from Control Freaks telling you what you MUST learn, and how you must learn it...It's yours, only yours, to have, to hold, to treasure your whole life long.

George Papavgeris wrote 'Anytown' many years back now, and I raved about it, got shouted down, as ever. Well, now you're ALL living in 'Anytown' and the penny has almost dropped, except you've not quite worked out yet exactly why 'Anytown' is filled with young people who've already given up hope, given up love, given up on life...but you'll get there, eventually.

From Eaton to Essex it's all the same...

Flood the mind, SWAMP the mind with Education and watch the Learning Lights go off, ping, pong, ping, until there is total darkness inside that precious baby's brain, born a free human just a few short years ago, but now slave to his Corporate Masters for the rest of his days.....
