The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #26192   Message #313824
Posted By: Haruo
06-Oct-00 - 07:26 PM
Thread Name: Yugoslavia
Subject: RE: Yugoslavia
"And my hunch is it won't be long until the leadership approaches the U.S. with outstretched arms (palms up of course)."

McGrath of Harlow
Now that phrase "with palms up of course" is the kind of thing that generates anti-American feeling.
Yes but
Having had airraids in our cities within living memory is something that most countries in Europe have in common,
depends; within the memory of some now living, yes, but of most, no — the Great Patriotic Fatherland War is pretty much ancient history. Most countries, yes; most Europeans as individuals, no.
and it divides us from our cousins across the Atlantic, who have been fortunate enough to escape having that happen.
