The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136806   Message #3139406
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
20-Apr-11 - 11:00 PM
Thread Name: BS: Spring Declutter & Exercise, April 2011
Subject: RE: BS: Spring Declutter & Exercise, April 2011
As we walked toward Zeke's house, he and Susie were walking down the hill to meet us. He was so excited to go for his walk today, she said, and my two also love this habit of meeting others (Poppy prefers Susie, Cinnamon simply wiggles and wiggles in sheer delight when she sees Zeke!) I'm really pleased to have met them, and we just talk the whole time we're out walking.

Working on healthy eating. I got into a rut for a while where I was getting more carbs or starch and not so many fruits or vegetables. I'm certainly getting a lot more exercise than last winter! It's at least 30 minutes a day for the dog walk.

Dorothy, I have used different methods for drying herbs. I simply had so much oregano this time that I laid out sections of newspaper and put the herbs on top of it. The paper helped absorb some of the moisture. I put it down in a single depth layer so it dried pretty quickly. Sometimes I bundle it and hang it up to dry.

My hands are finally clearing up. I just ran out of Evening Primrose oil, but I'll get more because that seems to help get over some of this dermatitis. It doesn't prevent the allergic reaction, but between outbreaks, my hands have been better.

I've been typing this in Max's developmental Mudcat site. The fonts look odd, and there is a drop down menu instead of the list of posters. I'll read his thread about developments as I continue to think about what I would post at a dedicated web site. I have a short list so far. (It wouldn't let me preview in the dev mode, so I cut and pasted into the regular Mudcat site.)