The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131036   Message #3139601
Posted By: pavane
21-Apr-11 - 07:53 AM
Thread Name: Tech: Formatting in MS Word or Open Office
Subject: RE: Tech: Formatting in MS Word or Open Office
Just a note that I have been working on a major project (a critical biography) using WORD 2003, and have encountered many of these problems - the publishers are most insistent on having everything to their own specification, especially page numbering.

But as well as this, I have written a number of macros to help me ensure there are as few errors as possible, and to assist with the compiling of a proper index. One example is a check for duplicated words - some are valid, but I found several instances of sequences like "the the". OK, grammar check will often pick them up, but only one at a time, in amongst all the other grammar checks.

One useful macro was to check for repeated sequences of a predefined length - 5 words was useful - this showed places where I had either copied and pasted (in error), or used the same phrase in two places, showing lack of imagination.

Another macro reports on unmatched ( and ), and also [ ] and { } of course.