The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #137236   Message #3139799
Posted By: gnu
21-Apr-11 - 02:32 PM
Thread Name: BS: Windchimes, rude things neighbours do
Subject: RE: BS: Windchimes, rude things neighbours do
Ed... every day over a long period of time, the cat sat in the hedge and teased the dog... even pissed on the dog. The dog would nearly choke itself unconcious, or so I was told my the little old lady on the other side of the property. I asked the owner of the cat to TRY to do something... come get the cat and admonish it... anything. I was met with a "fuck you" attitude. Other neighbours complained, including that little old lady, about the dog (BTW, it wasn't MY dog, it was my landlord's dog) barking for extended periods of time during the day while we were at work. The little old lady was more concerned for the dog than she was about the barking.

I didn't sic the dog on the cat... I let nature take it's course because the owner of the cat was not willing to lift a finger to help out.

I had three cats and I trained them all very well. I put a sandbox in my yard and kept it clean so they wouldn't shit elsewhere unless they were caught short. I told all my neighbours to tell me if they had ANY problems with my cats. If a neighbour told me that my cat   shat on their property, I would take the cat over, pick up the shit, make the cat smell it and admonish it and then take the cat to the sandbox and deposit the shit and tell the cat,"THAT is where you shit!" I would go after them with a water gun if I saw them after birds. I would do the same if I saw them in somebody's garden.

Neighbours have a responsiblity to neighbours. They have to at least TRY to be good neighbours. When they don't even try, it's time to build a fence.

Bullies are not acceptable to me and that cat and it's owner were bullies.

Yes, I did let Bear eat the cat. But I am sure the cat didn't suffer very long. It was small, four pounds max. Bear was four months old, gentle as a kitten and about ninety pounds. Was it cruel to let Bear eat the cat? Yup. I coulda shot it, I suppose. But I woulda gave it to Bear.