The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #26224   Message #313982
Posted By: Haruo
07-Oct-00 - 02:00 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Sans Day Carol (in Cornish)
Subject: Lyric Req: Sans Day Kernewek Kernow
I just noticed a GUEST (Jon Kernow) posting a couple days ago in the Gravity thread, and it occurred to me (because of what I just posted about Nos Galan in Welsh) that another carol I want to find is the Cornish text of the Sans Day Carol (there's English in the Oxford Book of Carols, and I have two Esperanto versions, but I don't think I've ever seen the Cornish (for the uninitiated "Kernow" is Cornish for "Cornwall", and Kernewek is Cornish for Cornish) text. Anybody know where I might find it?
