The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131036   Message #3140243
Posted By: Arthur_itus
22-Apr-11 - 07:29 AM
Thread Name: Tech: Formatting in MS Word or Open Office
Subject: RE: Tech: Formatting in MS Word or Open Office
Of course I am using 2007. However, I am trying to show how it can be done step by step as though you were doing it for the first time (I know Kat is above that level). Shortcuts are fine if you actually know how to do it (I do), but when trying to explain a process I never introduce shortcuts. By sticking to one way of doing it helps the user to understand some key elements needed.

I am sure Kat will be able to introduce her own ways of doing it, but at this point she is unable to do work out the correct steps.
So as I have always done in teaching, I do a simple example and when they have the idea, then they can do it the way they find best afterwards, which would include some of your more techie ways :-)