The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136100   Message #3140392
Posted By: olddude
22-Apr-11 - 12:23 PM
Thread Name: BS: Olddude wife (prayers and thoughts)
Subject: RE: BS: Oldude wife (prayers and thoughts)
So while I was stuck in the lastest Spring blast for two days in an airport hotel, I watched this show on TV called "I shouldn't be alive". Now it is supposed to be absolutely true and scary show but I couldn't stop laughing. Here is the story. Ok two guys Jimmy and Dave decide to do some high glacial skiing in a place in Alaska called Avalanche Alley. Now right away I figured things were not going to go well for them. Suddenly Jimmy falls off the mountain and bashes his head and breaks his hip. His buddy Dave lowers him down to a "safe spot". Dave then says, I will skii 10 miles and get help. He digs a hole and buries his buddie Jimmy in the snow and skiis ten miles to a small cabin. Two guys were up at the cabin for a secluded weekend getaway when Dave stops by and asks for a radio, Nope -t Dave tells them of his buddie buried in the snow and then has a can of Spagetti-o's and sleeps in a warm bed the night while the two guys go looking for his buried buddie. When they come back without him, Dave then goes back and finds him and digs him out "how are you, how was your night" ... yea as Dave enjoyed his Spagetti-o's and warm blanket. So Dave sets up a tent and drags Jimmy into the tent, a little while later an Avalanche buries both of them. They dig out, Jimmy says, Dave can we get the F outta here now please. No Jimmy I will move the tent to a safer place.

In the meantime, a plane flying over with a guy and his 8 month pregnant wife were traveling as the commentator says "to have a romanctic moment on the glacier LOL". They see these two guys in distress and try to land the plane. The plane crashes right next to the brokeback mountain guys with the cabin and the husband drags his now giving birth wife up there and asks the guys if they have a radio. "Nope but you can lay down and have some Spagetti-o's"   

Meanwhile back at the avalanche Dave moves the tent to a safer spot .. he thinks. Suddenly they hear a familiar sound. Two big avalanches come down sweep them away and drops Jimmy who is already screwed up 70 feet into an ice crevasse". Dave craws down and drags his ass back out of the crevasse. Jimmy says, Dave can we please get the F off this mountain.

Dave finally says maybe it is a good idea to get outta here, he stuffs his buddie Jim and himself into a sleeping bag and toboggans down the glacier. Laying on the ice another plane finally lands and saves them ...

They gave Dave a hero award, should have been a Darwin award. Meanwhile back at the cabin, they lady has a healthy baby girl ....