The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135209   Message #3140442
Posted By: VirginiaTam
22-Apr-11 - 01:27 PM
Thread Name: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
Results from liver biopsy paraphrased from her facebook.

"Chronic hepatitis (probably auto immune) and incomplete cirrhosis, which I looked up. Not too bad at least it doesn't cause liver failure. And now to start taking fun litte meds.... azathioprine."

She is feeling much better (physically) since the antibiotic, though still having bouts of the blues which she can not attribute to anything. She just suddenly gets low (sometimes angry) and has to wait for it to pass.

She is saving for both a car and the wedding now and looking into different kind of work. Medical collections is quite the soul destroyer. I suspect this might account for a lot of low (and angry) periods.

Thank you all for keeping her in your thoughts. Want to say, I so appreciate that I am able to vent my anxiety here and feel the love as you drop your good wishes in the thread. This is especially important to me, because I am so far from her and from my own family.