The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #26054   Message #314140
Posted By: Amos
07-Oct-00 - 12:14 PM
Thread Name: BS: Creation v Evolution Part II
Subject: RE: BS: Creation v Evolution Part II
Penny -- the site you pointed to was absolutely terrific. Except for one small thing. He cites the probabiity scale for a large number of critical parameters ever occurring randomly and then adds ("without divine intervention"). And it is really an impressive piece of math when you (as he did) add the composite effects of all those parameters. The chances of life occurring come out to around 10^(-99).

But with all this brilliant analsyis his addition of that one phrase reveals that this is a mechansim of self-vindication. There is no reason to assume from these staistics that widely distributed discrete events of creation, as distinguished from the SIlver Bullet Entity theory of creation, could not account for the statistics and provide a perfectly workable model.

Come to think of it, there are several billion creative beings on this planet alone. Why not erect a model which cites the trillions^10 of moments of creative attention experienced by all beings since T-zero? That could account fer an awful lot without having to invoke an "unavailable male authority of unthinkable scale" by way of explanation.