The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #16533   Message #3141608
24-Apr-11 - 09:34 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Lucky Jim (How I Envy Him)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Lucky Jim (How I Envy Him)
I read a kids story when young,

Jim took a "cow" or something to market and barters it.
The item at first seen as a good swap becomes tiresome - he barters that for something else.
This continues for several swaps, each swap becoming tiresome, till he swaps his latest 'item'for a large lump of gold.
As he carries it home it is very heavy and he stops by a well to drink, balancing the heavy lump of gold on the wall of the well.
It falls in to Lucky Jims delight, for he now skips home unburdoned.
ah Lucky Jim.
I would love to get the original of my mangled version.
THe message, I think was that things are a burden, even gold.
