The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126523   Message #3141919
Posted By: Joe Offer
24-Apr-11 - 09:35 PM
Thread Name: Aine's Mudcat Songbook PermaThread
Subject: SB: They Were Only Children by The Shambles

They Were Only Children by The Shambles

The Shambles' Comments:  This song was written for the 50th Anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz, for Ester Brunstein and others who bravely returned there for that event and for the many others who did not.   The survivors of the Holocaust, who were still alive in 1994, were only children in 1944.  I chose the phrase, they were only children, very carefully, as this phrase seemed to sum up our ambivalence to children. For it has two, quite opposite meanings.   The first one is our compassion when we realise that it was children that had to endure these horrors and endure them still in 1999. As in "poor things they were only CHILDREN".   The second is the one that enable us to abuse and inflict pain and suffering on them and deny them the same consideration and rights, as we would adults, because they are ONLY children.   It would seem a good time to discuss our attitude toward the children of the world.

Through the frosty window, candles on the track,
She can smell them burning, there's no turning back
It's all written, in the lines on her face,
Look to blame no one, it's all our disgrace.

Are we not one family, on an island of stone?
We live with thousands, but die alone.

Why are they returning, old women and old men?
For eyes that have seen so much, were but children's then.
They were only children, what crime did they do?
For children they remain, be they Moslem, Serb or Jew

Are we not one family, on an island of stone?
We live with thousands, but die alone.

The place is in colour, surprised by the light,
I thought our darkest dreams, we dreamed in black and white?
The horrors are endless, what do you mention first?
One child, torn for her mother, what could be worse?

She's lost her family, lost her home,
Shipped with thousands, all died alone

The lessons are for learning, we don't seem to learn?
She looks to the candle, to watch it burn.

What crime did they do?
What crime did they do?

They.......... were only children.