The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136939   Message #3142037
Posted By: Linda Kelly
25-Apr-11 - 11:35 AM
Thread Name: Easter Maritime Festival
Subject: RE: Easter Maritime Festival
Well, if ever there was a resounding success this was it. Weather made perfect! Julia and Derek asked for honest feedback and I couldnt think of a thing I would change. To have a sell out on a Saturday night concert was an extraordinary feat and it was truly a pleasure and privelege to be part of it! So enjoyed meeting up with the usual suspects, ex-Shellbackers all of whom are singing brilliantly. Great performances from Dave Kidman whose was singing better than ever and delighted to hear Paul Sirman after many years as good as ever. Delighted also to see Hughie Jones and Bob Conroy on top form. Well done to everyone involved not just the artists who gave of their time but all the supporters who came and paid to get in and to eat drink and be accomodated. they deserve a special thanks.