The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #137167   Message #3142321
Posted By: Bobert
25-Apr-11 - 08:28 PM
Thread Name: Bruce Murdoch CD: Sometimes I Wonder...
Subject: RE: Bruce Murdoch CD Launch
Here's the real deal here, folkies...

I just got home from 3 grueling days of hauling stuff southward, was going to go straight to bed and then the P-Vine handed me a package from Canada... Hey, sleep will wait... I'm on my 4th song as I write this and this CD is the "killer" I predicted... Brucie's best effort by far and a "must have" CD for anyone you loves exquisitely written, composed and orchestrated haunting ballads from the soul...

Brucie is by far the best I have heard of all the Mudcatters... I mean no offense to any one because there are some very, very fine musicians here but he continually sets the bar...

Just pure USDA Prime Fact!!!

I guess if I have any regrets is was that the song he sent me to record slide on still needs additional work for "prime time"... But it is close to being up to the quality of what is on this CD, just not close enough... I hope he and his people will fix it because it could be a really fine song...

BTW, thanks Brucie, for sending the P-Vine and me "I'm at the Mercy of Your Smile" back when we were going thru so darker times... Yeah, we were sworn to secrecy and that's was okay... Now everyone will get the hear one of the purest and beautiful love ballads that has ever been written....

Some absolutely amazing music, Bruce...

Love ya, brother...

Square business...
