The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #137308   Message #3142804
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
26-Apr-11 - 01:53 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bulger, Thompson, Venables
Subject: RE: BS: Bulger, Thompson, Venables
"So you do recognise that there might be reasons other than their being 'pure evil' to make them act the way they did - careful Lizzie, you might just end up a caring human being - if you're not careful!"

Sorry??   I'm not with you at all, Jim. I've been banging on about this for many years. I *never* said anything about 'pure evil' either, by the way, just to set the record straight.

What I *did* say was way too many children are being fed a diet of extreme and graphic violence, in videos, computer games and even in music itself these days. Add to that the violence that carries on around them, all the put down TV programmes, the TV Soaps with their vile story lines, the wars around the globe, etc..and it's not a recipe for kind and caring children overall.

Once again, I see NO sympathy displayed by you to the victim of this terrible crime. The boys who carried it out had a CHOICE, you know, Jim....every killer does, every rapist does...They CHOSE to step across the boundaries of sanity and do what they did to a little toddler.

Jamie Bulger had NO choice whatsoever. None.

He did however, put his innocent trust in two boys who held out their hands to him, taking those hands, as most toddlers will do, probably encouraged by a smile...Those hands took Jamie's in the sure knowledge that they were going to do untold damage, unspeakable acts to that little boy.

There is ONE victim in this whole sordid affair. He is now dead and buried, his body in two separate parts.

He had NO choice, Jim.

Those boys planned what they did.

>>>>"I knew right from wrong at 10"
All this oozes a middle class smugness of people who have no idea of the conditions on these estates and the effects they have on the behaviour of those who live on them.<<<<<

That is such inverted snobbery that it beggars belief. How class-ridden to say that only middle-class families know right from wrong. What patronizing and insulting rubbish that is to every person on a council estate who has a bloody decent family!   So many families who have nothing still manage to raise their children to be decent human beings.

It's love that matters...and if you don't get that when you are little, then it matters not if your father is a King or a Dustman. Many Royal children had atrocious childhoods, despite living in castles and wearing jewels..A lack of love affects everyone, no matter who you are, or where you are from. However, most people, even those who lack love still know that what happened to Jamie Bulger was appallingly WRONG.

The only smugness I see on this thread is from someone who cares far more for those who did this to a little boy, rather than that little boy himself.

Jamie didn't know not to take the hands of strangers at that age. He didn't know that bad people exist out there. I'm sure that even those who saw those boys with Jamie would have ever dreamed what they were on their way to do.

As I said earlier, Jim...until you've heard the words 'I'm sorry, but your baby is dead', then you have no right to put seemingly all your sympathies with the perpertrators of this terrible and terrifying crime.   

They were FIVE times his age, Jim.

One of them has gone on to show the world that locking him up WAS the right thing to do and letting him out was so terribly wrong. Not much is known about Robert Thompson it would seem.

Perhaps you will only be silenced when Venables has possibly killed another child. He is still deeply interested in them, in a pornographic way, it would therefore, I would say that he is a HUGE risk to ANY child.

I'm sorry if he was born that way, or if he became that way, but his mind is now so sick and so sickening, that in my book he has lost the right to an ordinary life. He did that at the age of 10, when it became clear to most people with common sense, that his mind was already deeply disturbed. I feel some pity for him, and for the other boy, but they crossed that line of their own volition.

I feel the deepest compassion imaginable for Denise Bulger and her sweet, innocent son, Jamie.