The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #26240   Message #314344
Posted By: Fmaj7
07-Oct-00 - 06:34 PM
Thread Name: Alternative Beliefs - a pattern?
Subject: Alternative Beliefs - a pattern?
Firstly can I say that, I in no way wish to demean anyone's beliefs, upset anyone in any way or suggest that my beliefs are in anyway superior to anyone else's here.

OK, I'll ask me question now:

Over the past few months, and indeed years, threads have been started which discuss, to me, a fairly disparate range of topics:

astrology, alien abduction, reincarnation and past lives, remote healing, ESP, UFOs, crop circles etc, etc.

I am by nature pretty sceptical, and have difficulty in believing in any of the above.

My observation, and this is where I think I might upset some, is that people who believe in astrology, also seem to believe in reincarnation and alien explanations of crop circles.

So, finally, my question is: are there some people who believe in astrology who think crop circles are rubbish, believe in remote healing but think reincarnation is garbage?

I hope I've made my question clear, and would reiterate that this question is no way trying to 'get at' any catters whose beliefs I may have touched on.

Thank you for your time.

I look forward to your thoughts.
