The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136939   Message #3143838
Posted By: GUEST,Doxy
28-Apr-11 - 03:22 AM
Thread Name: Easter Maritime Festival
Subject: RE: Easter Maritime Festival
Hi All,
First of all a big thanks to everyone who participated, artists, our volunteers, the museum and their volunteers, boat museum society and all the members of the public 'folkie' or 'boatie' or the simply curious.............. without you all the weekend would not have happened (oops forgot to thank the sun for making a welcome appearance)
We have over a hundred feedback forms to go through and are already starting to see some themes which echo the constructive criticism here as well as a lot of positives. For Derek, Ian, Chris, Denise and myself the weekend passed in a blur of activity, from the number of smiles, hugs and beery kisses we all received the planning and hard work paid off. Really glad folks had a good time.
After the next commitee meeting we will be getting photos etc up on the web site so keep looking.
Just a reminder, Artists and volunteers please fill in your Shanty UK membership forms.
Shanty UK is an open society for anyone who wants to join. In the next month we will be getting membership forms and info on how to join up on the web site.
Thanks again
PS funny point from the weekend, TC to me telling me the venue Bigmere had sprung a leak and was sinking. To have a ship go down on our maiden voyage might have inspired a few song writers!