The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #26240   Message #314392
Posted By: Helen
07-Oct-00 - 08:04 PM
Thread Name: Alternative Beliefs - a pattern?
Subject: RE: Alternative Beliefs - a pattern?

Thanks for your question. I tend to be sceptical and seek logical explanations for things, but I also have had some psychic experiences which science has not yet explained in a satisfactory enough way for me to think that there is a non-psychic process happening. (I have been psychic all my life.)

I am in the process of checking out astrology, not as a practitioner, but as a user of the information, and at present I am being surprised at the relatively close correlation between astrological interpretations and the events in my life, and some of the people I know. I am therefore tending towards thinking that there may be something in it, although I would not go so far as to state categorically that it is 100% accurate or that it necessarily relates to the position of stars & planets. I stress that I am not referring to the generic astrological statements in newspapers but to information relating specifically to an individual's time & place of birth.

On the other hand, my own personal jury is still out, and has been for years, on whether there is anything valid in reincarnation. As for alien intervention to produce crop circles: I don't know much about that at all, but I would probably favour a simpler explanation until stronger evidence is shown.

I think that the use of Reiki to contribute to healing is well worth investigating, and the information I have gained so far makes me sway more in favour than against in my estimation of its usefulness. It may not heal necessarily but it seems to have a positive effect in a lot of cases I have heard about.

So, in answer to your question, I am one person who holds some opinions in favour and some against depending on the phenomenon in question and the information available to me.

Hope this helps.
