The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #26240   Message #314399
Posted By: Barbara
07-Oct-00 - 08:16 PM
Thread Name: Alternative Beliefs - a pattern?
Subject: RE: Alternative Beliefs - a pattern?
A lot of the ideas you mentioned, I file in the "maybe" bin. I have no memory of any personal experience with alien beings, and crop circles are awfully easy to fake. I enjoy talking astrology for a while, and am intrigued by the times it correlates or confirms something I know about someone. I wouldn't go get a chart done to see if an endeavor was auspicious.
I've had some very clear pictures in my mind when I did past life regressions with someone once. In one, I was living out the end of my days on the prairie, and my teeth were worn down to nubs, and there was, and always had been sand/grit in everything and my clothes were all faded to the same shade of yellow grey from the sun. If I made that all up, I am surprised at the detail.
Still, it's not something I can know for sure about, so I put it in the box with all the other things that are beyond my knowing and control
. As a massage therapist I work with subtle body energies, and sometimes I can sense and get confirmation for changes that happen while I am working on someone. It took me a long time before I was willing to talk about any of the energy stuff, because I didn't want to be thought a kook.
Part of the problem is that as our society changes, what is acceptable to believe changes. I've been having knee trouble, and by the end of this summer I was hobbling and contemplating a cane. I went to a Naturopath, an MD, a massage/energy worker, and an Accupuncturist.
The Naturopath gave me a lot of vitamin and mineral supplements, the MD gave me Valium, The massage person did "tissue unwinding" and the Accupuncturist needled, massaged and Moxa'd me.
Didn't find a lot of change with the vitamins and minerals, but I'm being good and taking them.
The valium cleared up the stiffness immediately, put me to sleep every 4 hours, and left me with the sense that it is a very addictive drug. I cut my dose down to 1/4. The massage/energy work increased the tension/tightness.
The accupuncture has just about eliminated the problem in 3 treatments...
Of course it could just be the vitamins kicked in finally, or maybe that short time of taking the "muscle relaxant" valium gave me the healing time the joints needed.
So,I'd say the challenge is to remain semi-open-minded.
Perhaps it's just a GBS adjective conjugation situation: I am openminded, you are gullible, and he is a whacked out kook.
So, Fmaj7, what beliefs do you cling to that are unsupported by either science or the mainline of society? I'd be willing to bet you have some, just different than those you listed above. Are you religious? What about your political philosophy? or personal habits?