The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #137167   Message #3144686
Posted By: GUEST,bankley
29-Apr-11 - 09:28 AM
Thread Name: Bruce Murdoch CD: Sometimes I Wonder...
Subject: RE: Bruce Murdoch CD Launch
Bruce, early on, and probably still, I was often accused of being too rocky for folk, too jazzy for country, too country for blues.. on and on.. but in my young mind (at the time, and still) I knew that I must be doing something right.. it's all music and poetry anyway, and it takes a lot of 'flying time'to get good in any one genre, and lots of guts to do it the way you want... John Hammond Sr. found that out about you in the 60's...heh,heh (a good story)
Anyway just to say that I'm proud of your effort in this.. bet you didn't realize quite how much was involved at the outset!.. folks will have their favorite songs and others that they don't like so much.. we all do, but the great thing is , at least they'll have a current recording of your work and have the choice to make their own judgments.. I'm sure the jury will be kind to you... and here's to all the independent artists who are producing quality 'expression'..

ps. I have some interesting ideas about the duo project.. we'll talk,
luv ya....   Ron