The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #137472   Message #3144871
Posted By: Joe Offer
29-Apr-11 - 03:17 PM
Thread Name: BS: Mixed feelings about PC.
Subject: RE: BS: Mixed feelings about PC.
Well, I'm in favor of calling a spade a, am I allowed to say that nowadays?

When I think of "spades," I think of shovels and playing cards. I had never thought of it referring to people, until somebody complained about the use of "call a spade a spade" in a local city council meeting.

Then there are all the changes in verbiage with regards to handicaps. I can't keep it all straight, and I'm convinced nobody knows what anybody is talking about any more. Some of the terms, like "mentally challenged," sound like cruel jokes themselves.

And apparently, it's no longer Politically Correct to use the name of the Deity with reverence, although it's perfectly OK to use it in vain....

OMG. Did I say that?

I firmly believe in treating every human being with respect - but to artificially change language in an attempt to euphemize away reality, just goes too far.
