The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #137431   Message #3145263
Posted By: caitlin rua
30-Apr-11 - 09:28 AM
Thread Name: Unthanks et al. Why begrudge success?
Subject: RE: Unthanks et al. Why begrudge success?
Will... whoa... No, that statement was not directed at you (only the "some folks seem to have missed the sarcasm" bit was). After those words, the rest of my post was not aimed at any specific individual. Not you, not Nick either. It's not even restricted to this thread alone.

But this situation does exist, it happens repeatedly, and titling a thread "Why Begrudge Success" is making a judgment statement in itself, intentionally or not. The point I raised is a valid one, relevant to the topic. This vexed issue has come up over and over and over again, and it's fair to challenge it. People on internet forums are not mind readers. They cannot know what inner feelings underlie other people's criticisms. But that doesn't stop the accusations regarding motives flying thick and fast. Just take a trawl through some of the numerous threads where this battle has broken out. You don't even need a search term - you can identify them by their length.

I stand by what I said, because one can depend on charges of begrudgery, jealousy and all their unsavoury cousins appearing anytime or place that someone disses a Mudcat Darling. But, to turn an old phrase around, if the cap doesn't fit, you* needn't wear it.

* plural & general, not personal-address pronoun