The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #137472   Message #3145268
Posted By: GUEST,Eliza
30-Apr-11 - 09:34 AM
Thread Name: BS: Mixed feelings about PC.
Subject: RE: BS: Mixed feelings about PC.
It IS sad, Arthur. I remember just after the War going up to London with my father and passing Speakers' Corner, and listening to the people on their soap-boxes, declaring anything and everything, without fear of reprisals. My father explained to me that this was what he and his fellow combatants during the War had been fighting for, something called 'Freedom of Speech'. He continued that no matter WHAT a person said, no-one was allowed to stop them, but you could if desired shout back and give your different point of view, although no physical violence was permitted. I was much impressed with this, and my father's earnest manner, it meant a lot to him, and it still does to me. Whatever happened to 'Freedom of Speech'?