The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #137431   Message #3145381
Posted By: caitlin rua
30-Apr-11 - 01:23 PM
Thread Name: Unthanks et al. Why begrudge success?
Subject: RE: Unthanks et al. Why begrudge success?
Tom, you're over-analysing and reading way too much into what was only a general turn of phrase. You know as well as I do that some acts are favourites with enough people around this site that to find fault with them is to invite accusations of begrudging their success. And I find this offensive, to borrow the word another poster used. Are you saying that this doesn't happen? That's the only real point I was making. I don't need a lecture about something I wasn't trying to say.

Of course I know there are no official Mudcat Darlings (unless Ralphie wants the job). I think my point is pretty clear, that if you dare say you dislike certain artists you get labelled with a load of assorted character adjectives, and it makes a lot of people hesitant to express an opinion. Like it or not, it certainly happens.

If you don't like the word "darlings", fine, choose another. But that's quibbling over semantics and is beside the point.