The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #137519   Message #3145854
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
01-May-11 - 12:51 PM
Thread Name: BS: May 2011 Declutter & Fitness Records*
Subject: BS: May 2011 Declutter & Fitness Records*
To give the thread a fresh look (aren't we starting our third year now?) I changed the wording a little. We can have an elf change it if there is a riot in the streets, but we are all working toward better fitness and decluttered homes, so there it is in the title.

It's a rainy day for me here in Texas, I've heard from a friend that it is a stunningly bright beautiful day in New York City. The good thing about rainy days is that it makes me look around the house and stay indoors to work on some of those projects, or else I'd always be out in the yard. Yesterday I did a lot of the heavy lifting required to take apart an ornamental wall built up against the side of the house (there is still one more wall to take down). I'll use those stones in a new wall in the yard, in front of a berm I've been building up for a while. This is the ultimate in reuse/recycling.

Meanwhile, on this rainy day I've turned the calendar page and realize my son will be home in a couple of weeks, and I need to finish clearing out the sewing room (I was reorganizing craft materials from the sun room, putting them in the sewing room) and I need to then finish wiring a couple of rooms for the last of the cable and data plugs I've been meaning to run. Spring and fall are the times of year to go into the attic for that work, so I'll get it done this week. And then the old computer from his bedroom goes into the guest/sewing room and makes room for the computer he took to college. It's an embarrassment of riches, all of the computers around this house now.

Here is the April 2011 thread.

Some of our regular discussion contributors are in the middle of house renovation projects or have moved recently, we have occasional yurt and garden reports, and we have a whole bunch of people out there walking to their hearts' delight. Pedometers optional. Let us know how you're doing!