The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #137519   Message #3145877
Posted By: LilyFestre
01-May-11 - 01:15 PM
Thread Name: BS: May 2011 Declutter & Fitness Records*
Subject: RE: BS: May 2011 Declutter & Fitness Records*
I have started writing down what I'm eating and am considering rejoining WW. I stopped because I just wasn't having the oomph it required to get up and out of the house for a very early meeting plus it's an expensive adventure if you really aren't committing yourself, which I wasn't.

I have signed up for early morning yoga classes 4 days a week and have found a local church that has exercise activities during the week as well as play time for the babies.

Maybe I'm shooting a little high and fast but the Y is also offering Zumba (with childcare)....I just have to find the energy to get out of this house. Once I'm out, I'm good...but sometimes that motivation is hard to find.

Maybe this is a secret that the rest of the world already knows and I am just figuring out but coffee (just one cup) makes my belly feel full for hours. HOURS. I know drinking water and such fills you up but this is least it is for me! :)

The longer days are having a big effect on my energy levels never used to bother me but it has this year. I also have an appointment this month with and endocrinologist to see if they can straighten out my ongoing, forever changing thyroid issue....I have high hopes!

On the house front, our yard is MUD. I mean deep, up over the tops of your boots, suck the shoes off your feet kind of MUD. ARG. We have 2 dogs in the house and of course they drag it in with them. They do have thier own room but to get to it, they track through the kitchen and down the hall. So...I am doing lots of sweeping and mopping. We decided to hold off on the yard sale until later so I have that in the back of my head as well. I have a ton of stuff to mark and get ready...mostly baby clothes, swings, etc. When Jeremiah has outgrown his high chair, I'll be donating that to my church which has a really old, unstable high chair (not really useable)...but otherwise, I'll be selling most of the stuff. Bumba chair, a bobby, swing, jumpy, etc. and let's not forget the CLOTHES! Oh wait, I already said that, huh? LOL for me this month, writing down what I eat, making an effort to get out of this house and to make it to a few *formal* exercise things each week. And my house...just to keep doing what I've been doing and to add yard and garden work as it dries up outside!
