The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #137510   Message #3145923
Posted By: MikeL2
01-May-11 - 02:29 PM
Thread Name: Football Is it time for Cameras ?
Subject: RE: Football Is it time for Cameras ?
hi alan

I agree wholeheartedly with your comments.

1. Real football supporters understand the game and what it should represent. Unfortunately there ( as there are in most walks of life) those that try to spoil everything for the majority. I support Manchester United but I go to watch both teams, who-ever they are playing. Win or lose I try to judge how good the game was. Of course when we lose - like today !!! - I am disappointed but I get on with my life.

2. Yes I applaud City for reaching the Final even though it was at the expense of my own team. They deserved it because they were the better side on the day. I will be shouting for them in two weeks time.
Congrats Alan on today's result. Seems like we could meet in Europe next year. We might even get to have that pint together. Loser pays eh ??

3.With regard to the use of technology. I really can't see any good reason not to adopt some form of visual validation to assist the referee and officials with their increasingly difficult job.

I used to play cricket & rugby union and long argued against the use of cameras but as now both have used them, I have to concede that I was wrong. Of course it is not the perfect answer - things can still go wrong - but what in life is perfect ???

