The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #137472   Message #3145994
Posted By: Bert
01-May-11 - 04:45 PM
Thread Name: BS: Mixed feelings about PC.
Subject: RE: BS: Mixed feelings about PC.
but to artificially change language in an attempt to euphemize away reality, just goes too far.

Not really Joe. It is in the nature of euphemisms that they quickly become offensive and polite people don't always want to be offensive.

Shit house became WC. then lavatory then washroom and is now probably bathroom and it is only a matter of time before even that will not be acceptable.

The problem is where to draw the line and also who is the audience.

I have no problem singing Seven Dear Old Ladies even though lavatory and Old are not considered PC by some.

But I wouldn't sing any of the songs on "The Exit Visa"