The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #26240   Message #314632
Posted By: sophocleese
09-Oct-00 - 10:14 AM
Thread Name: Alternative Beliefs - a pattern?
Subject: RE: Alternative Beliefs - a pattern?
Umm Wyo Woman, From The Concise Oxford Dictionary - skepsis, skeptic see scepsis etc. (quick page turning exercise) sceptic, or skeptic.
I also believe in spelling and recognise that there is a difference between the English and American styles. Some people I know put all of their faith in Webster, or Random House but I'm a dyed in the wool Oxford fan. (Personally I'm highly sceptical about the usefulness of Websters...)

I like to read science fiction and fantasy novels so there are a lot of things that I think it would be great to believe in, but I'm suspicious of shortcuts.

In university I had a friend who was very much into Tarot cards, so I started reading more about it. When I became depressed and started seeing a psychiatrist I mentioned this interest. He immediately asked me if I had had my colours done as well. I looked at him as if he had just sprouted a second head. What the hell did the one thing have to do with the other? Nothing except they appealed to young women at that age.

I see different ideas come and go. I have a book about song writing where the first section is devoted to a practical use of the theory of left and right brain divisions. I'm still sceptical about it. The basic theory of the brain being divided into two halves with specific function residing in one half or the other may be all right. However the way that others have taken this tentative proposal and run wild with it so that now you can apparently compartmentalize your entire existence into right or left brain boxes, that you can judge people, or categorize them along these lines, makes me very wary. I wonder what theory about creativity will introduce, almost to the exclusion of all else, the next wave of song writing, drawing, or sculpting books.

So I'm interested less in belief than in the way that belief is used and promulgated.