The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #137528   Message #3146685
Posted By: Taconicus
02-May-11 - 05:01 PM
Thread Name: BS: obit: Osama Bin Laden ???
Subject: RE: BS: obit: Osama Bin Laden ???
Donuel, I've been watching all three cable networks sequentially, and most of what you say about the difference between the coverage by the three networks is false. Perhaps you're hearing the coverage through your own perceptual filter.

FOX said his body was burned and then buried at sea.
False. Fox News says buried, not burned, "according to Islamic tradition." Not once did they say burned.

FOX mentioned Obama by name less than 6 times all day unless it was a quote by Dick Cheney who mentioned Obama by name. Otherwise FOX only says "The President". George W Bush is mentioned by name more than Obama.
I've heard no perceptible difference in the coverage in this regard between the three cable networks.

[On FOX] Obama is critisized for his handling of this mission.
I've been watching since last night, and I've heard no criticism whatsoever on Fox News (or the other networks) for the handling of this mission. In fact, they've been outright laudatory.

FOX is saying that this mission is hard proof for an increased use of rendition and special interrogation techniques.
Fox News did mention that the intel for the mission was obtained by rendition, and suggested this would be evidence in favor of those techniques, but they never used the term "hard proof" or anything like it. I believe this may be your editorial contribution.

Both NBC and FOX have only seldom mentioned the killing of his adult son and the wounding of his wife.
No perceptible difference between the three cable networks in reporting this.