The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #137554   Message #3147015
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
03-May-11 - 08:08 AM
Thread Name: BS: Cat religion?
Subject: RE: BS: Cat religeon?
The Prayer of the Cat

From the above:
"The poet Carmen Bernos de Gasztold (Born 1919) wrote "Prayers from the Ark" a collect of 27 prayers each from one of the animals on Noah's Ark. The work was origianlly privately published by the Benedictine Abbeye Saint Louis de Temple. English translation was written by Rumer Godden (19071998) who went to the Benedictine Abbey in France and spent time with the poet to do the translation.

English composer and organist Ivor R. Davies (1901-1971) selected six of the poems from the collection and set them to music. Noah' Prayer, The Prayer of the Little Bird, The Prayer of the Cat, The Prayer of the Mouse, The Prayer of the Raven and the Prayer of the Dove..."