The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #137554   Message #3147092
Posted By: GUEST,leeneia
03-May-11 - 10:48 AM
Thread Name: BS: Cat religion?
Subject: RE: BS: Cat religeon?
My cat doesn't have a religion, but she does have a cosmology.

1. The innermost sphere is her very own. It includes her, her tail, her food dish and her litter box. Also the rug at the patio door, upon which she sits to birdwatch.

2. The next sphere includes her, me, and my husband. In the evening, we sit on the couch and read the paper. She sits on my lap, then stretches a paw over to my husband's thigh, so that we are all connected. She will keep that leg stretched out for a long time, so it's obviously important. This is her trinity.

By the way, we have had three cats, and they have all done this.

3. The next sphere is the world outside the house, noisy and terrifying. It is infested by atom bombs (thunder), pterodactyls (helicopters), dinosaurs (motorcycles) and squirrels.

Also dogs and veterinarians.

This third sphere is her version of hell.

For her version of heaven, see number 2, above.