The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #137519   Message #3147103
Posted By: wysiwyg
03-May-11 - 11:15 AM
Thread Name: BS: May 2011 Declutter & Fitness Records*
Subject: RE: BS: May 2011 Declutter & Fitness Records*
Yesterday was way too many hours sitting (long trip, meetings, ride back, etc), but it was punctuated by 3440 steps, painlessly, and I picked up a consulting gig for later this month at one stop, quite unanticipated. (WITH a bed to sleep in, instead of the boondocker.) So return-to-work appears not to have been derailed by the painful memory that came up this week, and I'm doing well with not being distracted with anything. TBTG for the nice PMs I got-- from people who know who they are.

At one stop I jotted out what will soon be a news-report at the diocesan website, within an area for which I report. (Hardi got pix and I also field-recorded audio.) At another, minutes of a sensitive Commission meeting to type up and send along to participants and up the chain of command-- a long-overdue meeting finally able to occur now that one of the co-chairs has recovered from a health scare. At that meeting, the group also picked up two more probable members for that commission, which is tasked with rebuilding itself and its leadership resources as we work towards resources and certification to present a training program required of ordinands. So I have some good work to do in the rest of the week and, hopefully, the printer will work.

Oh and the first use of the GPS in fast-changing H'burg highway traffic went well. And I didn't hit the semi when I missed a lane ending, in the fog, as I merged, in an unfamiliar car with side mirrors blinding me I could not re-angle. TBTG!
