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Thread #137575   Message #3147405
Posted By: Genie
03-May-11 - 08:53 PM
Thread Name: BS: Republicans 'spin' Bin Laden death rpt
Subject: RE: BS: Republicans 'spin' Bin Laden death rpt
Jim, I have heard interview clips of people expressing all of those points, and the sources are clearly identified. I just haven't kept a running tally of each source to connect with each spin. The information is readily available via an internet search or by listening to Fox "News" or right wing talk radio hosts if you want to verify it.

I can tell you, without going back to do the internet search or replay a lot of podcasts, that these are some of the sources:

1. There is a whole "deather" movement growing. People who say they doubt that the people shot included Bin Laden.

2. I heard an interview on Thom Hartmann's radio show this morning, with a (non-Muslim) guest whose main point was that Bin Laden did not reflect true, non-Jihadist Islam and that it was a slap in the face to afford Bin Laden's body the respect that Islam would prescribe.   

3. a. Sarah Palin, Bill O'Reilly, and quite a few others on Fox or talk radio
    b. several commentators and Republican spokespeople on Fox
    c. just about all the Republican talking heads
    d. same group
    e. I don't recall offhand who it was, but I did read commentary making this point

4. Rumsfeld and Cheney, Bill O'Reilly (who "learned" this from one of his Republican guests).

5. I've read this criticism from both the left and the right, including a number of bloggers and commentators who tend to find fault with everything Obama does.

6. This was, for one, a right-wing talk radio host named Napolitano

7. Donald Trump