The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #137575   Message #3147490
Posted By: Little Hawk
04-May-11 - 01:34 AM
Thread Name: BS: Republicans 'spin' Bin Laden death rpt
Subject: RE: BS: Republicans 'spin' Bin Laden death rpt
The above post, I might add, does NOT indicate "colorless neutrality" on my part. I utterly detest the Republicans to the very depth of my being...while I am merely somewhat disgusted with the Democrats. Like comparing 10 to 5 on the scale of disgust. I would vote Democratic if I were forced to choose between them and the Republicans.

But the main point is: I think the very idea of having political parties was wrong from the getgo. It was a very bad idea. It should never have been done. It creates endless trouble and terrible corruption. It should not have been done in Canada or Great Britain or anywhere else either. It should never have been done anywhere.

And that is the point I am making. You do not need political parties to have liberty, freedom, and representative democracy. All you need is a number of independent nonpartisan candidates running in each riding at specific intervals (say 2 years or 4 years), universal suffrage, and an assembly formed from the candidates who get elected each time. That assembly is fully capable of representing the public and conducting all the necessary work of government, debating the issues, voting on those issue, and passing legislation....with NO political parties present to poison the process by dividing and conquering both the population and the elected assembly itself.

Party politics is war. It's permanent fulltime war without guns, but with all the malice aforethought that characterizes war. And as Lincoln said: "A house divided against itself cannot stand."

Our present modern societies are houses divided against themselves BY the very political parties that have taken them over. We are living in the midst of an enormous historical error in human governance. It has replaced the previous error which was rule by absolute monarchs. In some ways it is better than that was. But it's still an enormous error. We can do far better than what we are doing now.