The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #137554   Message #3147623
Posted By: GUEST,Patsy
04-May-11 - 08:16 AM
Thread Name: BS: Cat religion?
Subject: RE: BS: Cat religion?
There is a distinctive smell to cat and dog food it might be a way of preventing curious children from sampling it (you would have thought). You would be surprised at the number of toddlers who take a liking to cat biscuits if not watched I know I had to stop this happening right in the nick of time one day. Dog food has to be sampled by a taster before it is sold apparently, so I assume that it would be just the same for cats too and I expect they realise that it has to be safe for children. I wonder if a short straw is pulled for that job? That has to be the worst of all jobs.

The worst Whiskarse smell came from the liver, heart and rabbit variety I think especially the rabbit which smells awful when it is cooked anyway. My oldest cat was very difficult she had a small appetite and she would change her preference at the drop of a hat so I would buy the large Whiskas in chicken, beef or lamb, Kit-e-Kat for in-between, Sheba for a bit of posh, emergency tins of sardines and her cat biscuits.

The younger black Siamese was totally different, a walking eating machine she would eat almost anything anytime including scrambled egg and my yoghurts. She was so easy to please and she would finish off anything that the older cat left which was a bonus I no longer had to throw uneaten cat food out which was especially beneficial in the summer months when food turns bad so quickly.

My King Charles from a puppy was as finicky and fussy as the 1st cat she seemed to pick this up and other behaviour such as curling up to sleep for hours but she was always wary of them both. They never ever hurt her but she was very aware that they had sharper claws than she did and that 1st cat was the absolute boss.