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Thread #137575   Message #3147709
Posted By: Donuel
04-May-11 - 10:22 AM
Thread Name: BS: Republicans 'spin' Bin Laden death rpt
Subject: RE: BS: Republicans 'spin' Bin Laden death rpt
Additionaly we hear on FOX NEws how this guy Obama (actual phrase) has only stirred up a hornet's nest that put all Americans at risk.
THis was only a symbolic act regarding a symbolic individual but the killing of Osaba bin Laden will only create more acts of terror against America. Osama has made all of us less safe!

On FOX cable news, the mention of the commando raid in Pakistan must now be sandwiched between the claim of creating more terrorism and credit for George W Bush and our armed forces. Obama is refered to as the President more often than by his full name and title for PResident George W Bush.

Half of the confusion regarding details of the Navy Seals raid on the compund were first made by FOX news. I have screen shots of the various false statements that were made the following morning. They now blame on the administration.

Obama has ordered the summary executions of Somali Pirates, 30 terrorist leaders are killed by drone strikes, tripled troops in Afghanistan   and now directed the killing Osama bin Laden in accordence with his campaign promise. Republicans may try to play poker with this guy at their own peril but it looks like they will lose their shirts regardless of their lies, distortions, disrespect and pathetic attempts to rally thier base with racism.
Yet Republicans will drone on with