The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #137528   Message #3148080
Posted By: Jim Carroll
04-May-11 - 06:57 PM
Thread Name: BS: obit: Osama Bin Laden ???
Subject: RE: BS: obit: Osama Bin Laden ???
"Of course, the British never dirtied their hands in India...."
Can't speak for Silas but - yes Britain certainly did, and has my full condemnation for having done so.
I don't think they napalmed third world peasants, or attempted to destroy their food sources with Agent Orange - nor did they drive them into their huts and burn them to death, as did your Major Calley - but what they did was no less excusable - The Empire On Which The Sun Never Sets, or The Blood Never Dries - that was how I was brought up to think of the British Empire.
And just as you got your collective arses kicked off the roof of the Saigon Embassy, our country got kicked out of (most of) our former colonies.
Some of us learned our lesson from what our Governments did - now let's hear it from you for waterboarding, or special rendition, or collateral damage, or detention without trial.... or all the other aspects of American civiliasation that puts gas in the tanks of your SUVs.
As with Keith - I won't hold my breath though!!
Jim Carroll