The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #137528   Message #3148257
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
05-May-11 - 12:50 AM
Thread Name: BS: obit: Osama Bin Laden ???
Subject: RE: BS: obit: Osama Bin Laden ???
Richard Bridge: "Was it legal? The breakdown of the rule of law is dangerous as is US belief in its own omnipotence."

Gee, you pulled your head out again..probably for some 'fresh air'!
Look, in case you haven't heard this before, (being as you are hiding under 'legal-speak'), 'War is the total breakdown of law'. OBL, chose to make his play OUTSIDE ANY law, that you are holding up, for us to adhere to..not only that, he plays under his OWN rules, with utter contempt for ANY law you are quoting. Do you think 'International Law, and the 'rules of war' apply here????..or is there a breakdown, initiated by OBL, in an attempt to replace your quoted law, with Sharia law..but with himself in charge???? Do you think he should sit cross-legged, holding hands, singing 'Kumbayah', swaying back and forth, like your 'rehabilitation program' for wayward cookie jar thieves??? Hey! wise up! If ANYONE goes flying planes into buildings, killing innocent people all over the world, because he is trying to advance a primitive interpretation, to a cultist 'everybody must die who doesn't believe in Allah religion' no law of toleration is due them, I'm sorry....its not like mommy caught you with your fingers in the cookie go do shit like he's pulled, and you're in the big time!!..Maybe OBL should have thought of your International war rules BEFORE, he declared war on innocent people and started killing them, indiscriminately! Believe it or not, some STUPID things have consequences. If he wants to live outside the law, maybe it was fitting that he died 'outside the law'. HE made that choice!! To stop ANY further plans of his BULLSHIT, was/and is, the decent thing to do...unless YOU can get him into your make-believe world of swaying, glassy-eyed, campfire singers of 'Kumbayah'!!!

Get fuckin' real, and stop making a parody of common sense, or, for that matter, yourself!

Chances are, the directive for the mission was terminate him and gather all intelligence possible, within a certain time limit.

The fucker is DEAD!!! Got it?? Why bitch over the details???

OK, now you can re-insert your head back into that cozy warm place, and blow 'law bubbles' out the opening!