The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #137528   Message #3148345
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
05-May-11 - 04:55 AM
Thread Name: BS: obit: Osama Bin Laden ???
Subject: RE: BS: obit: Osama Bin Laden ???
So what prescription do you take?? 'Stupid pills??'

No, I do not believe that the 'ends justify the means'...but it seems to me that you 'get off' on having a brutal mass murderer slaughtering innocent it's some twisted fantasy of yours!
watch the videos, I posted...then you figure a way to
'reason' with the 'inspirational figure head' of the loons, committing those atrocities!
Your ideological, political beliefs are running am-muck over both your experience in life, and common sense!
This asshole declared WAR on non 'believers', and targeted unarmed women children, and any civilians, of our cultures as his targets!...So what do you want us to do?..give him a 'fine' and probation??
..and don't get me wrong, yes, there are things that both our countries do, that I don't like...but that is no excuse to be so willingly as nonsensical as you two idiots!
Would it matter to either one of you, of how many more innocent people might be spared, by knocking this crackpot out?..or does the thought of bombs ripping through populated public centers get you wet? you think you can claim some sort of moral high ground?
The guy should have been taken out a long time ago..any way possible!