The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #989   Message #3149
Posted By: catfeet c/o
15-Mar-97 - 11:05 PM
Thread Name: Songbooks: Scottish Folksong Book-Barnes and Noble
Subject: RE: Scottish Folksong Book-Barnes and Noble
I manage a B&N in Boston. Here's a helpful tip. If you can get the publishers name and phone number, provided it's not a bargin book, (a limited print run done with the intention of being out of print quickly) you could call them up and ask if they have any left. This is often the case. Books that are unavailible due to the distributer being out of stock or not reordering because it was a small publisher have the best chance here. However, if the book has recently gone out of print, it is possible that the thing is still hanging around in a publisher warehouse being used as a convient footstool, and they generally are more than happy to sel these copies off to the earliest caller/desperate collecter/desperate folkie/only person they can fool into paying full price plus shipping. Anyway, point is, if you can find the publisher, any local B&N can give you their number and it can't hurt to see if the pub has a spare copy or two hanging around. Good hunting.
