The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #137472   Message #3149079
Posted By: MGM·Lion
06-May-11 - 04:57 AM
Thread Name: BS: Mixed feelings about PC.
Subject: RE: BS: Mixed feelings about PC.
Trouble with 'actor' for both sexes is that it can lead to poor semantic communication, which is always a bad thing. A doctor, e.g., is qualified to treat any patient whatever his/her sex. But in general actresses have to play different roles from actors, and confusing the job-titles can lead to unsureness as to the sex of the part being played {esp in these days when a Charlie or a Sam can be of indeterminate sex} or auditioned for; or to the kind of ambiguity which even The Guardian admitted, when a profile described a veteran director as having had many actors as close friends, giving impression of quite different sorts of personal and emotional relationships from those intended!
