The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136420   Message #3149183
Posted By: Fortunato
06-May-11 - 09:12 AM
Thread Name: BS: 2012 Presidential Election
Subject: RE: BS: 2012 Presidential Election
If possible, I will likely be voting for President Obama again. There may be an opponent who is intelligent and capable, but in order to be heard by the Republican party, the platform of such a person must apparently include the shrewish, negative, and in some cases, air-headed, message that is now over arching.
    I still respond to progressive views of America. I still respond to social programs that feed the hungry, educate the disadvantaged, and train the underemployed. I still look to space exploration, medical and scientific research to advance human endeavor and enlightenment.
    I do not respond to the tired old criticisms of democracy and our capitalist system. I do not respond to the manure mouthed by talk radio and tv media whose only motive is self-aggrandizement and salary. I do not respond to 'leaders' who build their notoriety on the backs of those who strive for progress.
    President Obama, I believe, still carries hope of progress as a nation in his heart.