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Thread #136623   Message #3149291
Posted By: ollaimh
06-May-11 - 01:27 PM
Thread Name: BS: Canada Election
Subject: RE: BS: Canada Election
beer, the dumb ass religious party id the regressive conservatives. they have sold a deceptive message of economic pragmatism but have not been fiscally responsible--they fooled people like the neo cons have in the usa, and yes they are controlled at the highest levels by right wing neo con evangical christians, and most importantly american oil industry money--who are mostly neo con right wing christians.

there is a book about harps giving passes to parliament to several totally uneducated and unqualified lobbists except for their evangical rant.

most important id harper has been a lifetime professional flack for the us oil money. he has never held a real job, just been a political lobyist and politician. he has no personal achievements in the real world. this used tomatter. but in the world of spin and smear our media and most of the public accept that a man's world class adedemic amnd writinf achievements should be held against him while harpers lack of exclence in any field except being tom flannagans bum boy, is without criticism.

to q who aparently thinks the west is being ripped off by the east, that's neo con nonsense. the west is rich. they would never be established without the estern governmant producing the wheat hybrid(number one northern fife--and all the triticales) and the railroad at great return evil ottawa gave them control of their natural resources--such eveil rip offs!!!

albertans have tjrown away that heritage. but if they want to remain "stupid to the last drop" there's nothing we can do about it. they are twisted out there they baulked at tthe governmant of canada owing one of the syncrude plants, while now they are negotiating to sell one to the governmant of china. the political spin is orwellian out in alberta. and yeah i lived there doing drilling and blasting when i was young. back then i couldn't believe the right wing ignorant nonsense i heard every day. people really thought that the east was stealing their oil and that the "oil industry strike" was about ottawa. it was about stopping alberta from ever cgarging world level royalities. norway--with a resource about a third the size collected about 90 billion royalities in the decade from 1990 to 2000, alberta with three times the oil resource collected 30 billion from 1980 to 2010. les than a sixth of the wolrd price. they are giving away their scarce resource to the american oil companies. the swet crude is almost gone. then they will have almost nothing in the heritage fund. we remain the only industrial nation without a national energy policy--and the idea is still a dirty word out there.

harper is the creature of us oil companies. that's where the money to fund his early career and the national citizens coalition came from, anf the money to start the reform party and many neo con lobby groups.

after the oil is gone alberta will have one of the most polluted land scapes in the world and they will have to come to us eastern bastards to clean it up for them. read the book "stupid to the last drop" about our oil policy. it wan the national business book award.

the american oil industry is keeping canada a colony and harper is the roi negre for foreign intereests. these interestds includ the cia. preston manning was employed by a cia funded think tank before he went into politics==he even admitted this in an interview on cbc but out tame media ignored it.

when i lived in alberta it was the only place(outside of toronto folk musicians) where i was regularily called a frog--its an ignorant and bigotted place and now they have brought this ignorance and bigotry to the national stage, making us a permant colony of the american oil industry.