The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #137519   Message #3149586
Posted By: katlaughing
06-May-11 - 11:53 PM
Thread Name: BS: May 2011 Declutter & Fitness Records*
Subject: RE: BS: May 2011 Declutter & Fitness Records*
We had a very busy day. Started out with Morgan at 730a, breakfast, then out to the front yard where Rog whacked down the tall grass, what there is of it, while Morgan and I pulled weeds and cleaned up the perennial garden as best we could. It still needs work, but it looks a lot better. He also filled the wheelbarrow with that detritus and a pile of leaves and debris he'd raked up a few weeks ago. Took it all back to a place in the huge backyard which is fenced off and has been the preferred place for such things for years. He also swept the sidewalk. Good kid. We paid him for helping.

Then we left for town. I went to exercise class and the coumadin clinic. They picked me up, we came home, ate a late lunch. He went home and Rog and I went grocery shopping. All in all, I logged in over 5,000 steps, today, plus all of the other exercise I got, including another game of "baseball." Morgan got 4 points to my 2. He hit the ball across the street, twice, today.

Everything is sore, but not as much as a week ago when I started and it is a good-I-know-I-am-getting-better sore.

Rog got called in to work at 830p this evening. Some important piece of equipment broke down. That's two Fridays in a row, they've called him in on his day off. I'll be glad when his new "asst." gets here in late May/early June.

