The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #137528   Message #3149593
Posted By: Donuel
07-May-11 - 12:42 AM
Thread Name: BS: obit: Osama Bin Laden ???
Subject: RE: BS: obit: Osama Bin Laden ???
The prior administration does deserve all the debt and credit for killing bin Laden

Listen up.

It is as large and oily as the nose on your face that Dick Cheney is instrumental in killing bin Laden.
First he showed America and the world the technique of shooting old men in the face at close range.
Second, torture clearly defeated bin Laden. Did you know that Ossama was in the same room as his wife and a couple toddlers for 6 years and never went out of the house !?
When the commandos showed up he said "Just shoot me".

All this is behind us now. It has gone full circle.
All the conspiracy nuts are even at peace. Since they thought bin Laden is not really dead and that it was really George Bush who did 9-11 by implosion to distract attention from Hawaii where CIA operatives were planting photoshopped birth certificates so that a Kenyan guy named Obama could come to power to kill the phoney bin Laden who Bush blamed for blowing up the WTC in a phoney act of terrorism.

With the exception of a couple dozen Pakistani nukes and several small nukes that they have lost the pass words to make them explode, we can all take a collective sigh of relief.

As long as we don't let the Supreme Court elect another D student spoiled rich kid with a daddy complex to the white house, we should
do OK.

Bunker entrance
H mmmmMmMMmmm
H___H----H___    A loud and droning hum of the ventillation system reverberates deep underground in the situation room where Obama speaks plainly asking each advisor their opinion.
Barak asks quetly, "What do you say we get out of Afghanistan?"
Hillary says "Yes we can".
Petraus says "its to soon to change"
Pannetta says "Yeah man, thats a good idea.
Barack: "Yeman? really? I think its a good idea too. OK lets go into Yeman next ."
Panetta: "Sir is this a joke like your 'two jihadists walk into a bar' story?"
Barak: No, I'm serious, but this time were are going to give George W Bush and Dick Cheney full credit from the git go."
Petraus: "Sending them both to Gitmo has been a secret wish of mine for the last eight years."
Barak: "Thanks everyone lets break for lunch and get this plan started ASAP."